Finishing, grinding, honing in one clamping operation

Combination processing

Combined finishing, grinding and honing for gear wheels and other components

Precision machining operations in one clamping operation

In 2012, Thielenhaus Microfinish introduced the world’s first machine for the process combination of finishing, sanding and honing. Since then, we have continuously expanded our range of different combination finishes.

Our range of combination machining

  • Flat finish (also double-sided)
  • Internal grinding
  • Honing
  • Bore reaming
  • Brush deburring (now also with HyperMotion)

Your advantages with combined finishing

  • Lower overall investment by saving on one or more machines, including the associated automation
  • Less space required due to 8 stations on a diameter of only 1.4 m
  • Extremely high workpiece quality with machine accuracy – without errors due to repeated clamping
  • Shortest cycle times thanks to simultaneous processes in the rotary indexer
  • Cost-effective automation through individual handling and elimination of package formation during standard honing

The MicroStar series

Solution for processing flat surfaces

200 series

With unrivaled workpiece qualities, the MicroStar 200 is the most successful superfinishing machine on the market. Depending on requirements, it can be upgraded to a precision machining center. Fully equipped with eight stations, workpieces can be pre-finished and finish-finished on both sides and brush-deburred in a single pass, for example. Double loading is also possible. Thanks to the rotary indexing principle, all operations run simultaneously so that finished parts can be unloaded and raw parts loaded after each cycle.

  • Rotary transfer machine with 3, 4, 6 or 8 workpiece spindles and up to 7 processing units
  • Can be combined with additional operations, e.g. brush deburring, internal grinding, honing, measuring, turning, etc.
  • Modular design and high reusability
  • Low space requirement
  • Simple operation and optimum accessibility

300 series

The machines in this series are designed for both small and large workpieces with complex contours and for small or medium batch sizes. In contrast to the rotary transfer machines, a linear processing concept with a sequential process sequence is implemented here. The workpiece spindle moves horizontally to the machining units mounted above it.

This means that up to 4 process combinations can be run flexibly. With the optional swivel workpiece spindle, spherical surfaces can also be machined on the same machine in addition to flat surfaces. This gives you maximum flexibility in precision machining.

Here too, modules from the rotary actuator series have been consistently continued, so that processes developed for this model can also be transferred.

  • Flexibly customizable with manual and automatic use
  • Multi-stage machining for a wide range of tools
  • Advanced functions with precise control
  • Sequential process sequence with combination of additional operations, e.g. brush deburring, measuring, turning, reaming, internal grinding, honing, etc.
  • Expandable to ball machining
  • Heavy workpieces can be loaded from above using a crane

EVO 1200

The MicroStar EVO(lution) 1200 sets new standards in precision machining. It continues the successful rotary table concept of the 200 MicroStar series, but has up to twelve stations.

This guarantees sufficient flexibility for process combinations and the greatest possible output. Depending on the task, up to four workpieces can be loaded and unloaded simultaneously after each cycle of the machine.

During development, the successful concept of the MicroStar 200 was consistently continued. Processes are easily transferable.

  • Parallel processing saves machines and units
  • Increased productivity through multiple loading at four stations
  • High flexibility and quality, error prevention in the process

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Thielenhaus Technologies GmbH
Schwesterstraße 50 42285 Wuppertal
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